Join us in our FIRST annual ASL for All 5K Run/Walk fundraiser to foster Olathe as a "Shared Signing Community"! Shared signing communities are localities where both Deaf and non-Deaf community members use a shared visual language to communicate with one another. Non-Signers are welcomed!
All proceeds from this event will be split between the Kansas School for the Deaf Endowment Association (KSDEA) and the Museum of Deaf History, Arts & Culture (MDHAC) in support of their missions in fostering shared signing communities.
To register for this FUN Event: https://www.museumofdeaf.org/annual5k Admission (price will increase after Sept 15th) $25.00 per person - Individual 5K Registration $20.00 per person - Group of 4 - 10 (Family/ Youth Team) 5K Registration $10.00 per person - Tots-Fun-Run/ Kids-Fun-Run