A social gathering reminiscent of the Deaf community's long history and tradition of gathering together to keep abreast of what's happening, as well as preserve the legacy and knowledge about Deaf people, their languages, cultures, and experiences in the United States and around the world.
Each of MDHAC's Cultural Series will have featured presentations related to Deaf history, arts and culture to inspire meaningful appreciations of the rich, vibrant culturo-linguistic community, as well as invoke the truth of the struggles and resistance the Deaf community experience world-wide.
Check back again for next upcoming
Cultural Series!
Other reasons to come to the Cultural Series . . . join us for an opportunity to connect with others who support the Museum of Deaf History, Arts & Culture® and its Mission. Members and guests gather together to meet and greet, plus learn from featured presentations relating to Deaf history, arts and culture!
for more information call 913.324.5348 or
email support@museumofdeaf.org

Past Cultural Series